Traveloka PH

30 Aug 2018 - 1 min read

Jellyfish Sting: Symptoms and What to Do if You Get Stung

What do I do if I get stung?

Jellyfish Warning

It might be easier said than done, but the worst thing you can do when this happens is panic. It’s important to keep a clear head and remember what to do in this situation:

Soak it in vinegar for 15-30 minutes, the acid in the vinegar can help stop the stingers from releasing more toxins.
Do not rub or scratch the area, this might make things worse. The best way to remove the stingers is by using tweezers or protected fingers.
Take a hot shower to help lessen the venom’s activity.
Take ibuprofen for the pain.
If you get stung by a box jellyfish or if symptoms worsen, seek medical help immediately.

How do I prevent it from happening?

There are over 2,000 species of jellyfish and they can thrive in different water environments. More often than not, you will encounter one -- do not let this fact stop you from enjoying your vacation. The best thing you could do is come prepared.

Bring a bottle of vinegar and a first aid kit with you on your trips out.
Wear protective clothing such as wetsuits, gloves, and rash guards when swimming in open water.
Invest in anti-jellyfish sting lotions. Though this might not be 100% foolproof, it’s better than nothing.
Look at the surface of the water before jumping in.
Do not touch any marine life or sea creatures.
Make sure to ask questions, bangkeros are usually familiar with safe zones or jellyfish infested areas.
Learn CPR and other emergency aid.

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